Official Community Plan No. 300 adopted
After a three-year community visioning and OCP update initiative, which included extensive public consultation, Council adopted the updated Official Community Plan (OCP). The updated OCP sets growth objectives for the community and identifies how more than 12,000 new residents will be welcomed and accommodated within the next 20 years. It also establishes a growth boundary and aims to create a more complete, compact and connected community by focusing on infill housing and concentrating most development within two urban and five neighbourhood centres. The OCP also calls for more economic opportunities in the West Kelowna Business Park and prioritizes climate change objectives.
- Section 1 – Introduction & Community Vision
- Section 2 – Land Use Designations
- Section 3 – Policies
- Section 4 – Development Permit Areas & Guidelines
- Section 5 – Implementation
- Schedule 1 – Land Use Plan
- Schedule 2 – Community Greenbelt and Greenway Concept
- Schedule 3 – Hillside and Wildfire Interface Development Permit Areas
- Schedule 4 – Aquatic and Sensitive Terrestrial Ecosystem Development Permit Areas
- Schedule 5 – Future Road Network
- Schedule 6 – Future Transit Network
- Schedule 7 – Future Bicycle Network
- Schedule 8 – Future Pedestrian Network
Comprehensive Development Plans or Area Plans (previously known as “Neighbourhood Plans”) are planning documents created to guide development for specific areas of the city that are either intended to accommodate redevelopment, or to create a new neighbourhood. These plans address land use, design, environmental, servicing and transportation issues for specified areas of land at a finer level of detail than that provided by the OCP.
Search the Interactive Map
The interactive map reflects the land use based on the future growth concept for West Kelowna.
To search your property:
- Type in your address to the search bar and click the magnifying glass
- Or click anywhere on the map and drag and scroll in any direction
On the map, you'll see the proposed future land use of each area, such as the Westbank Urban Centre, Boucherie Urban Centre, five neighbourhood centres and West Kelowna Business Park.
*This interactive map reflects updates to the policies in the update of the OCP.
Schedule 1: Land Use Plan Map
About the OCP
West Kelowna is home to nearly 39,000 people and by 2040 we expect to welcome an additional 12,000 new residents to our community. To help guide this growth, we are updating our OCP to establish policies that make West Kelowna a great place to live, work and play and reflect the Community Vision established in 2021. All municipalities, regional districts, and the Islands Trust in British Columbia have the authority to create an official community plan.
Our OCP is a blueprint for how our community should evolve to meet our collective vision and accommodate growth. The OCP applies to all of our West Kelowna community and is the main policy that Council uses to guide decisions that may include:
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