City of West Kelowna Council adopted amendments to the Short-Term Rental Bylaw on April 9, 2024. As a result, our department is now able to review the 2023 Short-Term Rental Business Licences for compliance with the new short-term rental bylaws and issue renewals for 2024, where applicable.
About Business Licencing
A business licence is required to own or operate any business within the City of West Kelowna. Licences are renewed annually and must be displayed in a prominent location within your place of business.
New business licences must be applied for in person through the Business Licence desk located at Municipal Hall, 3731 Old Okanagan Highway, West Kelowna, BC, V4T 0G7. Fees are due at the time of time of application and are payable by cash, debit card or cheque. The general processing time for an application is two weeks, and can vary due to the complexity of the licence type and inspection requirements. A new application is required to start a new business, move the location of a current business, or if there is a change of ownership for an existing business. A business name change can be requested by emailing business.licence@westkelownacity.ca.
All businesses must comply with our Zoning Bylaw and Business Licencing and Regulations Bylaw.
To determine the zone of your potential business, please visit our WestMap Viewer. Enter the address in the search bar and click on the tax parcel to go to that location. Click the layers tab and check the Development box - this will turn the zoning layers on. If an address is entered and there are 'no results to display', this may be an indication that the property is located outside of the West Kelowna Boundary, which can include Westbank First Nation Land.
Business Licence Fees
The City of West Kelowna has a four-tier Business Licence fee structure as set out in Section 16 of the Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 0028.
General Fee Information | ||||||||||
Licences are granted for a period of one-year from January 1 to December 31. Renewal fees received after January 31 are subject to a late payment fee of $25. The annual licence fee is prorated for new applications received after the first day of each quarter. The fee reductions are as follows:
*The annual licence fee for short term accommodations will not be prorated based on the date of application. |
Business Licence Fees | ||||||||||
Payment Options for Annual Business Licence Renewals | ||||||||||
Cancelling a Business Licence | ||||||||||
Business licences are set to renew automatically, and fees are applied to the accounts, unless a notification of cancellation has been received before January 31. Cancellation requests can be submitted by emailing business.licence@westkelownacity.ca. |
Business Licence by Type
Short Term Rental and Short Rental (Bed and Breakfast) |
A Short-Term Rental is a form of accommodation where part of a principal residence is rented for periods of less than 30 days. The City of West Kelowna has merged Short-Term Rentals into two categories; 1) Short-Term Rental (STR) - Permitted on parcels that contain two dwellings - single family dwelling and secondary suite, or single family dwelling and carriage house. 2) Short-Term Rental (Bed and Breakfast) - Permitted on parcels that contain a single family dwelling. A business licence is required to operate a Short-Term Rental. Below is the full application package to be completed and submitted to the Business Licence Desk located within City Hall. Payment is required at the time of application. Required Documentation
**The updated Short-Term Rental Operator Guidebook is now available and reflects the adopted bylaw amendments.**
Additional Work A building permit may be required for any upgrades necessary for the dwelling to meet the fire safety standards for Short-Term Rental operation. The business licence will not be issued until the building permit has been closed.
Short Term Rental - Resort Zone (C5, C6, CD2, and CD7 Zones) |
A business licence is required to operate a Short Term Rental - Resort Zone in the Resort Apartment or Resort Townhouse C5, C6, CD2, and CD7 Zones as per Zoning Bylaw No. 0265. The Short Rental - Resort Zone Licence allows for short term rental occupancies of less than 30 consecutive days and permits the operator to advertise and collect revenue from their rental business. The application form is specific to the C5, C6, CD2 and CD7 Zones as those zones do not fall under the new Short Term Rental Regulations. Required Documentation
Commercial/Industrial Business Licence |
A Commercial/Industrial Business Licence is necessary for any operation that provides a service or sells a product from a commercial location. This includes the processing of raw materials, manufacturing, assembling, cleaning, testing, repairing, storing, shipping, or distributing commercial or industrial materials. Due to the potential complexity of these applications, processing time can take a minimum of four weeks. Referrals are sent to the Planning, Building and Fire Departments to ensure compliance with the BC Building Code, Fire Code, and municipal bylaws. Interior Health referrals are sent if the business type requires their approval. There are many factors to considered when exploring a commercial business location. Please review the New Business and Tenant Improvement Guide (PDF) to gain more information prior to purchasing or signing a lease for a commercial space. Required Documentation
Inspections A building inspection and fire inspection are required for the licencing processes (with the exception of a sublease). These inspections can be arranged, after the application has been submitted, by calling the departments directly. Business operations must not be commence until the inspections are deemed satisfactory.
Application Commercial/Industrial Business Licence Application (PDF) *Any residence or business that owns or operates an alarm system must have a valid alarm permit. Find details on the Regional District of Central Okanagan website. |
Home-Based Business Licence |
Any business being operated from a principal residence is considered to be a Home-Based Business, and requires to a valid business licence. Independent contractors fall under this category as the business licence must be attached to a physical location - considered to be the place where the 'administration' of the business takes place. Home-Based Businesses (HBB) are classified under two categories which are regulated by the zoning bylaw: Minor Smaller business operation that is limited to 25% of the gross floor area of the dwelling unit to a maximum of 215.3 sq ft, only 1 client visit to the location at one time, and limited retail sales. To learn more, see HBB Minor. Major Slightly larger business operation that is limited in allowable area based on parcel size, maximum of 3 client visits at one time, and allows for broader retail sales. To learn more, see HBB Major. Any construction work needed to accommodate the business may require a building permit. Please contact the Building Department to discuss your project.
Information and Application Home-Based Business Licence Application (PDF) Owner Authorization Form (If Applicable) |
Home-Based Business Licence - Child Care |
A home-based child care facility may provide care to eight or fewer children within a principal dwelling. The child care facility must be licenced by the local Health Authority and comply with the zoning bylaw, BC Building Code, and Fire and Safety regulations. Required Documentation
Inspections A Fire inspection and Building inspection are required for the licensing process. These inspections can be arranged, after the application has been submitted, by calling the departments directly.
Application Home Based Business Licence Application - Child Care (PDF) Home Based Childcare Occupancy Checklist (PDF) Owner Authorization Form (If Applicable) |
Inter-Community Business Licence |
Businesses that operate in more than one community may be eligible for an Inter-Community Business Licence. This is an add-on to the required municipal licence, and allows businesses to operate within the interior region, removing the need to purchasing individual licences in each community. The yearly inter-community licence fee is $150 and is prorated on a quarterly basis. This licence can be added by checking the box on the application form, or by request to the licencing department. The Inter-Community Business Licences can only be applied for in the municipality where the business is located. If the business is located outside of the participating municipalities, a Non-Resident Business Licence may be applied for in any one of the participating municipalities, and the Inter-Community Licence may be added on.
Participating Communities:
Some business types are not eligible for an Inter-Community Licence. These include, but are not limited to, mobile restaurants, escort agencies, body rub services, and vehicles for hire (taxis, limousines, and buses). Exempt businesses require a business licence from each municipality in which they operate.
*Please note that if your business operates within Westbank First Nations jurisdiction you will still require a business licence from their office, as WFN is not a participant in the Inter-Community Business Licence Program. |
Non Resident Business Licence |
Businesses that do not have a physical location in West Kelowna, but provide services within the city, require a business licence. This includes contractors from out of area or province, and home-base business owners that reside on Westbank First Nation Land and provide services in the City of West Kelowna. Application |
Mobile Restaurants (Food Truck) |
Mobile restaurant operators are required to have a valid business licence for each municipality in which they operate. The application must be submitted with:
Inspection A West Kelowna Fire inspection is required for the licensing process. This inspection can be arranged, after the application has been submitted, by calling the fire department directly.
Application Mobile Restaurant Business Licence Application(PDF) Owner Authorization (If Applicable) |
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