With steady community growth and high demand for urban services, infrastructure improvements are a must for the City of West Kelowna.
Overview of our 2024 capital projects
The total 2024 Capital Budget is $32.2 million with $22.7 million funded from reserves, $6.1 million from Development Cost Charges and $3.4 million from debt and grants.
Projects include:
- Shannon Lake Road Multi-use Pathway from Swite to Westbank First Nation.
- A roundabout at Shannon Lake and Asquith Roads.
- The Road Rehabilitation Program, which will increase to $2.1 million up from $1.2 million in 2023, funded from grants and capital reserves.
- Other projects funded by grants and infrastructure reserves, including the yearly Pedestrian Infrastructure Improvement Program, multi-use pathway connections, and Mount Boucherie Community Centre restoration and renovation to add daycare facilities and return space to community uses.
- Purchase of a combined ladder and pump fire truck, called a quint.
- Funding the remaining $6.3 million required towards the Fire Hall #32 Replacement Project.
- The borrowing, of up to $8 million for the Fire Hall #32 Replacement Project, which results in no new tax increases to the West Kelowna community, was approved by Council in the 2023 Budget, subject to the Alternative Approval Process receiving elector assent, which was confirmed in March 2024.
About the 2024 Budget
The 2024 Budget balances service and infrastructure needs with fiscal responsibility for our rapidly growing city.
Throughout the budgeting process, the City is continually challenged to maintain existing service levels while addressing the demand for new and affordable priorities, programs and services that come with rapid growth.
Developing the budget sometimes involves making difficult decisions. Council wants to hear from our community to help shape investment decisions as they continue to govern with fiscal responsibility today and in the future.
Council priorities
Invest in Infrastructure remains one of four pillars of Council’s 2022 – 2026 Strategic Priorities, which focuses on building, improving and maintaining quality infrastructure and supports Council’s mission to plan for the future while taking care of today. Review our 10-Year Capital Plan to see what investments in roads, sidewalks, parks, utilities, and facilities are proposed for neighbourhoods across the city over the next 10 years.
Contact us
Do you have a question about a project in your neighbourhood? Reach out to the Engineering and Public Works team directly:
- Email: eng.services@westkelownacity.ca
- Call: 778-797-8840
- Project Information Line: 778-797-1234
What is a capital project? |
A capital project refers to the purchase, upgrade, expansion or build of a City asset that requires a substantial capital investment. Often called infrastructure, these projects include extending sidewalks and active transportation networks, improving roadways and drainage, adding to our extensive parks system and upgrading equipment in arenas.
How are projects funded? |
Capital projects are funded through a combination of taxes and grants. These budget reserves are used to pay for the cost of building and maintaining infrastructure. The City also collects charges on new development called Development Cost Charges (DCCs). This money comes directly from development and is used specifically for which they were collected. DCCs ensure that new growth is contributing to future city costs, reducing the cost on future taxpayers. A 1.0 per cent allocation to critical infrastructure helps support priority improvements throughout West Kelowna. |
Why invest in infrastructure? |
The 1.0 per cent tax to support critical infrastructure will be invested in roads, utilities and drainage improvements throughout the city. The funding will help the City deliver on priority projects sooner and potentially leverage other sources of funding such as grants and low-interest borrowing. The funding will ensure that priority infrastructure projects are implemented sustainably, while allowing the City to build its reserve funds. This model will also ensure sustainable long-term investment. |
How are projects prioritized? |
We prioritize projects based on the following criteria:
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