Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023
Today, the City of West Kelowna has announced that the former West Kelowna Estates and Sunnyside/Pritchard Systems are receiving clean, safe, and reliable drinking water from the new Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant service.
This completes the second of two phases of water being delivered from the new plant to an estimated 19,650 water system users in the City. Users in the former Rose Valley – Lakeview System received water from the new plant in Phase 1, in November. In Phase 2, users in the former West Kelowna Estates and Sunnyside/Pritchard Water Systems began receiving water from the new water treatment plant effective Dec. 12 and Dec. 20 respectively.
“This is excellent news for our community and we are extremely grateful to everyone who worked so hard on this priority project,” says Mayor Gord Milsom. “Congratulations everyone in the West Kelowna Estates and Sunnyside/Pritchard Water System areas, and welcome to the new Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant service!”
“Our Council is also grateful to Interior Health, City staff and contractors who have been working diligently since the McDougall Creek wildfire to ensure we could provide drinking water from the plant, that meets or exceeds provincial and federal standards, prior to the end of this year,” adds Milsom.
Director of Engineering and Operations Allen Fillion says, “We are very fortunate to be able to deliver this terrific news with this state-of-the-art facility to our customers in time for the holidays and the New Year. We thank you all for your patience and understanding, as we know it has not been easy at times; but we can now very much look forward to top quality drinking water from the new plant.”
A letter providing more information was mailed to Phase 1 users to confirm that they are served by the new plant, and a letter will soon be mailed to Phase 2 users as well. To learn more, water users can also visit
Stay tuned for news in the New Year on details about an official opening ceremony and community celebration, expected to take place in the spring. Sign up to receive City news and alerts at
The City of West Kelowna thanks the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia for contributing funding for the project via the Clean Water and Waste Water Fund.
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