Friday, May 5, 2023
Watermain flushing within West Kelowna’s Rose Valley-Lakeview System continues as part of the City’s annual maintenance of the water distribution system. This work is happening in advance of connecting residents to the new Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant, which is being commissioned later this year.
Starting next week, crews will be moving to the West Kelowna Business Park and Boucherie Centre areas and there are a few things area residents and businesses should know: before, during and after flushing.
Visit to find maps and watermain flushing underway near you.
View the water quality map to stay informed of water quality status in your area.
Read the frequently asked questions.
Watermain flushing is taking place from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday, however, the schedule may be affected by emergent operational changes. To help residents and businesses know when flushing is happening in their areas, crews will post signs.
During flushing, residents and businesses may experience reduced water pressure or discolouration. Any disruption should be brief and only occur while mains in the area are being flushed.
Watermain flushing is required to remove sediment from our source water that has accumulated in the distribution system. This is accomplished by flushing water at high velocities through fire hydrants to force water through the system.
A Water Quality Advisory issued on April 3, 2023 remains in effect due to turbidity in the Rose Valley-Lakeview System. It is recommended that the elderly, children, and anyone with compromised immunity use water brought to a rolling boil for at least one minute, or find an alternative safe source of water for brushing teeth, making baby formula, preparing food, washing fruits and vegetables, making ice and beverages, and washing dishes. An alternative safe source is the bulk filling station at Shannon Lake and Asquith Roads. Bring clean bottles for filling.
We appreciate the patience of residents and businesses while this important maintenance is completed.
Watch the video to learn more about the City’s watermain flushing. To receive City news and alerts, sign up at
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