Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023
The City of West Kelowna, in consultation with Interior Health, has rescinded a Water Quality Advisory, for the former Rose Valley – Lakeview System, where users are now receiving clean, safe, and reliable drinking water from the Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant service.
At this time, no Water Quality Advisories or Boil Water Notices are in effect in the City of West Kelowna.
Please note, watermain flushing continues specifically within the Lakeview Heights neighbourhood only for the purposes of removing accumulated sediment from within the distribution system. During this flushing, customers may experience reduced water pressure and/or discolouration. Any disruption should be brief and only occur while mains in the area are being flushed.
Customers should take some important steps before, during and after flushing moves to their areas. For more information on watermain flushing precautions, please go to
To remain up to date on Water Quality Advisories and Boil Water Notices or receive other City news, alerts, and updates on the Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant, sign up at
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