Below is a table that is updated by 4 pm daily on our website about the status of services and facilities in the City of West Kelowna during COVID-19.
City Facilities | Daily Information Update (as of March 18, 2020)
City Hall
| City Hall remains open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.
Public access to City facilities, including City Hall, is restricted until further notice.
The public is encouraged to conduct business over the phone, via email and online as much as possible using our points of entry:
City Hall Main Telephone Line: 778.797.1000 City Email Address: City Website: City Facebook: @cityofwestkelowna City Twitter: @westkelownacity
City Council Meetings
Remains Scheduled for March 24, 2020
Please contact City staff about public access to Council Chambers
| The next City Council meeting for March 24, 2020 has not been cancelled.
However, to adhere to health authority for social distancing, the community is encouraged to watch Council meetings via webcast:
Public Hearings in April 2020
| Public hearings scheduled in April have been cancelled until further notice. |
City Committee Meetings
1) Economic Development Committee Meeting in March is Cancelled
2) Advisory Planning Committee Meeting in March is Cancelled
3) Agriculture Advisory Committee Meeting in March is Cancelled
| The March meetings for the Economic Development Committee, the Advisory Planning Committee and the Agriculture Advisory Committee meetings are cancelled. |
Jim Lind Arena
Closed as of March 17
| The facility and programs closed as of March 17 until further notice.
Royal LePage Place Arena
Closed as of March 17
| The facility and programs closed as of March 17 until further notice.
Johnson Bentley Memorial Aquatic Centre
Pool and amenities closed as of March 17
| The pool and amenities closed as of March 17 until further notice.
Multi-sport Centre (Dome)
Closed as of March 17
| The facility and programs closed as of March 17 until further notice.
Seniors Centre
Closed as of March 16
| This facility is closed until further notice. |
Lions Hall Youth Centre
Closed as of March 17
| The facility and programs closed as of March 17 until further notice.
Westbank Lions Community Centre
Closed as of March 17
| The facility and programs closed as of March 17 until further notice.
Lakeview Heights Community Hall
Closed as of March 17
| The facility and programs closed as of March 17 until further notice.
Webber Road Community Centre
Closed as of March 17
| The facility and programs closed as of March 17 until further notice.
Westbank Museum and Visitor Centre Closed as of March 16
| Public access to this facility is closed until further notice.
Public Access to Fire Halls
Closed as of March 17
| Public access to all Fire Halls is closed as of March 17 until further notice.
Washrooms in City Parks
Closed as of March 17
| Washrooms in City parks are closed effective March 17 until further notice. |
Okanagan Regional Library (West Kelowna Branch, Non-City Facility)
Closed as of March 17
| This facility is now closed until further notice.
Please visit the ORL website for more information:
Programs and Events
March 2020 | All daily activities posted on the City’s website are postponed until further notice.
April 2020 | No changes as of today’s date. |
May 2020
| FireSmart Family Day is now postponed until further notice.
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