Wednesday, June 1, 2021
There is still time to help shape the future of Mt. Boucherie Community Centre (MBCC) and share your stories on past activities. We want to hear from you as we begin to transition this much-loved facility back to the community in time for its 50th anniversary in 2024.
The questionnaire is open until June 20, 2022 and input from residents will help inform the facility plan to restore the interior of the building to its former state as a community centre.
Community members of all ages are encouraged to participate and provide input about programming, events, and ideas for the future of amenities. Opportunities to help inform priorities for renovations for MBCC will help deliver a community centre that meets the needs of our growing city.
Get involved today at
complete a short online questionnaire
add comments to the Ideas portal
share a favourite memory, photo or story about MBCC
Contact us at 778-797-1234 for printed copies of the materials, including the questionnaire for pick up at City Hall. Print at home kits are also available at
Feedback from the public will help develop future planning for the MBCC and create opportunities for our community to gather and stay active.
To stay up to date on current engagement opportunities, sign up at
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