March 27, 2020
West Kelowna staff have made adjustments to our processes as we continue to serve the public during COVID-19! Council and staff express sincere gratitude to the public for working in partnership with us as we adapt, remain calm, and be kind to one another while we all prevent the spread of COVID-19. The changes implemented at the City of West Kelowna this week (March 23 – 27, 2020) remain in effect until further notice.
General Administration
How to Connect with us While Public Access is Restricted at City Facilities
Although City staff remain working, we have temporary closed public access to all City facilities until further notice. This is to protect Council, staff and the public as we implement social distancing at City facilities. Council and staff remain at your service through the following main entry portals:
Main Telephone Line: 778-797-1000
Facebook: @cityofwestkelowna
Twitter: @westkelownacity
Instagram: @westkelownacity
We are here to help so please stay connected with us and we will get you to the right place. Even though Canada Post may be operating a bit slower, too, you can always mail documents to us as well:
City of West Kelowna
2760 Cameron Road
West Kelowna, BC V1Z 2T6
Council Meetings
Council held the March 24, 2020 Council meeting to keep some essential files moving forward, such as development applications in-progress and the Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant. There were no public delegations on the agenda and the public was invited to watch the Council meeting via the City’s webcast.
For the upcoming April 7, 2020 Council meeting, it is likely that greater digital services will be used so Council, staff and the community remain connected in a meaningful and participatory way. Staff are adapting our processes based on this week’s order from the BC Government that allows Council meetings to be modified during COVID-19, such as restricting in-person access and increasing technology. Please watch for confirmed information issued later next week.
Human Resources
The Human Resources team is working non-stop to assist staff with the implications of this unexpected and unprecedented COVID-19 outbreak. As it stands this week, staff continue to work inside and out of city facilities while using social distancing methods and staying safe. This means modifying the way we all work together, yet remain apart, to respect the necessary orders from BC’s Chief Health Officer.
Development Services
Drawing Drop-off
We are keeping our long-range planning, building and development functions operating with a few modifications. This week, the public started dropping off their drawings in the designated bin out front of City Hall from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Staff isolate the documents inside the building for 24-hours before processing. And, of course, regular phone and email contact between our staff and the public occurs as usual.
Inspection Process
Building, plumbing and other inspections remain constant with a new process in place. Our site personnel have been reduced to one individual onsite at a time so staff and the public adhere to social distancing.
Bylaw Compliance
Bylaw staff have adjusted to the minimum six-foot social distancing requirement with individuals in the community as they continue to carry out their day-to-day activities. Bylaw staff continue to work in close collaboration with emergency and health services when required, particularly when assistance is required with our more vulnerable community members.
Finance Department
Ways to Pay
Staff continue to work at City Hall but cannot accept in-person payments until further notice. Payment options during COVID-19 are below and the public can call our main telephone line at 778-797-1000 for assistance:
- Pay by mail C/O West Kelowna City Hall, 2760 Cameron Road, West Kelowna, BC V1Z 2T6
- Use the drop box next to City Hall’s main entrance; payments can be made by cheque, include account information, and place in an envelope and deposit at any time.
- Pay by phone through most financial institutions.
- Pay online through your bank's website or online app; contact your bank for set-up assistance using the account number at the top left of your bill; choose City of West Kelowna Utilities as the payee.
- Sign up for Pre-Authorized Payments by completing the application form to have the payment automatically deducted from your bank account on the due date; complete the Pre-Authorized Payments revision form for changes.
- Please note, bank statements and cleared cheques are proof of payment, but if you need an additional receipt, please call 778-797-8850 and one can be emailed/mailed to you.
Financial Relief Review
At this week’s Council meeting, Council directed staff to look at minimizing the economic hardship to the community from the effects of COVID-19. Staff are reviewing the potential options and will bring forward a report to Council for direction.
Emergency Services
The public is reminded that emergency responders continue to put the lives of our community at the forefront, and we thank our community for doing its part to adhere to all social distancing requirements and public health orders from the BC Government to protect our emergency service workers.
West Kelowna Fire Rescue
Emergency responses will continue in all cases as Fire Rescue staff serve the community while adhering to social distancing requirements. Walk-in access to all Fire Halls has been restricted, along with public tours and visits to fire halls, public education activities, suspending fire inspections and open fire burning. The spring FireSmart Family Day has also been postponed to avoid large gatherings.
RCMP in West Kelowna
Police Services remains constant to serve and protect our West Kelowna community with no significant changes occurring this week. Public walk-in access to the West Kelowna RCMP detachment has been temporary restricted to adhere to social distancing requirements.
Corporate Initiatives
We are increasing our digital interactivity between staff and the public, including a Ask West Kelowna tab on the Home Page of our website, our dedicated COVID-19 webpage with our Daily Brief and Daily Download video series, issuing this Week in Review summary, establishing interactive digital surveys and more to come.
We are also helping to foster greater awareness and support for local businesses on the Greater Westside. It’s Time for Take-out! The City would like to thank our community for their continued support to shop local and help our business community through these tough times.
Major initiatives across the City, such as seeking an opt-out option for the Speculation and Vacancy Tax, advocating for an Urgent and Primary Care facility, furthering our Council Priorities to get much needed infrastructure built are still moving forward. We will continue to inform and engage on these projects in more digital ways, including digital town hall meetings in future. Please watch for updates in the days and weeks ahead.
Engineering and Public Works
Whether underground or aboveground, our essential services remain operational! Water, sewer, drainage, roads and other staff are all out there working hard to maintain essential services.
Unfortunately, it’s that time of year where future Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant users experience increased and sometimes prolonged water quality advisories as we did this week. Staff are continuing to provide water at the Bulk Water Station on Asquith Road so please watch for changing information about operational matters during COVID-19.
City parks and trails remain open but playground structures and washrooms in City parks are closed as of this week. We encourage our community and visitors to visit our parks and trails while we all do our part to adhere to social distancing. Go play outside in beautiful West Kelowna! But, please, we must remain diligent and adhere to the minimum six-foot social distancing requirement.
Recreation Services
All recreational programs have been cancelled or postponed and facilities closed until further notice, including programs scheduled at recreation facilities through April 2020. Sports fields, tennis courts and pickleball facilities remain closed until further notice.
Regional District of Central Okanagan (RDCO) Services
The RDCO Board and staff also kept essential services operating this week and issued several updates about changes to non-essential programs and services. Please visit the RDCO website for their current service level updates at:
Westbank First Nation Services
The Westbank First Nations Council and staff are also issuing some valuable print and electronic updates about how their services are changing. There’s still so much to explore on the Greater Westside so please visit Westbank First Nation online at:
How the City is responding to Provincial Government Orders
All levels of government are working together to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by adhering to existing and new ministerial orders from the BC Government. Honourable Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, implemented extraordinary powers under a state of provincial emergency (Emergency Program Act) to keep British Columbians safe, maintain essential goods and services, and support the Province’s ongoing response to COVID-19.
These are just a few examples that West Kelowna has underway:
Council and Committee meeting rules have been relaxed during COVID-19, such as open meetings may be held without public attendance, meetings may be held electronically and adoption of a bylaw on the same day as third reading. Based on this new information, our Legislative Services group will be making adjustments in the days and weeks ahead so please stay connected with us to determine what changes are implemented, how and when.
The City now has more options to use e-newsletter services, such as Constant Contact to keep our existing and new website subscribers updated, and use other collaborative digital tools such as Zoom for online meetings. This flexibility will allow our City to interact in much more effective ways for public information. Please watch for changing e-formats in the days and weeks ahead.
Other provincial orders that apply to West Kelowna are enabling City bylaw officers to educate and work in partnership in enforcement of the BC Chief Health Officer’s orders for business closures and gatherings, suspending any bylaws that restrict goods and delivery at any time of day, banning the secondary resale of food, medical supplies, personal protective equipment, cleaning and other essential supplies, and protecting our vulnerable community by supporting food banks and shelters (such as on Brown Road in West Kelowna).
Next Week’s Look Ahead
City staff are making adjustments to their departmental service delivery based on BC Government orders and the City will be issuing updates next week as our changes are confirmed. This includes how the next Council meeting will be held, how to remain informed and engaged through new technology used by the City and other ongoing changes.
Thanks to Our Community
The City would like to thank the West Kelowna community for doing its part to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Be kind, be calm and be safe as we fight the spread of COVID-19 together.
For more information, please visit the City’s COVID-19 webpage:
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