Regular Meeting
Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2024
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Condolences on the passing of Premier John Horgan
Council expressed deepest sympathies to family, friends and colleagues of former B.C. Premier and Canadian Ambassador to Germany John Horgan, who passed away Nov. 12, at 65, after a third battle with cancer. Council also expressed gratitude for Mr. Horgan’s commitment to public service as an MLA since 2005, Opposition Leader from May 2014 to July 2017, Premier from July 2017 to October 2022, and Canada’s Ambassador to Germany since last December.
Thanks to organizers of remembrance services
Council thanked Westbank First Nation for hosting the Indigenous Veterans Day service on Nov. 8, in remembrance of First Nations, Inuit and Métis who have served and made the ultimate sacrifice, and in honour of those who serve today, to ensure our freedom. Council also thanked the Royal Canadian Legion for hosting West Kelowna’s Remembrance Day service at Royal LePage Place on Nov. 11, and to City staff for providing support, as our community remembered members of the Canadian Armed Forces who made the ultimate sacrifice, who have served, and who serve today to ensure freedom and peace.
2024/2025 board and committee appointments approved
Council appointed Councillor Stephen Johnston as the City’s Regional District of Central Okanagan Director beginning Jan. 1 to the end of Council’s current term in October 2026. Councillor Rick de Jong was appointed as First Alternate, and Councillor Jason Friesen as Second Alternate. Mayor Gord Milsom is the City’s other RDCO Director. One-year term appointments, beginning Nov. 1 were: Councillor Friesen, as the City’s Representative on the Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission with Councillor Tasha Da Silva as the Alternate; Councillor Da Silva as the Okanagan Regional Library Board Representative with Councillor Carol Zanon as the Alternate; Councillor de Jong as the Representative on the Airport Advisory Committee with Councillor Garrett Millsap as the Alternate; and Councillor Carol Zanon as Council’s Representative to the Municipal Insurance Association with Councillor Millsap as the Alternate.
Source water quality presentation
Mr. Scott Beaton, a Rose Valley Water Service Area user, made a presentation to Council regarding his concerns about this summer and fall’s water quality, which included increased manganese levels from the source water. Council thanked Mr. Beaton for raising his concerns, helping to seek solutions and maintaining an open dialogue with staff, as the City remains committed to providing safe, clean, and reliable drinking water for all users. The City is working on solutions for the source water, and staff is scheduled to bring forward recommended improvements as early as the Nov. 26 Council meeting. To see the presentation, please watch the Nov. 12 webcast archive.
Additional signing authority appointed
Council appointed Chief Administrative Officer Ron Bowles as a signing authority for the City of West Kelowna.
Infill Housing Strategy endorsed
Council endorsed the City’s Infill Housing Strategy. To accommodate growth and support diverse and evolving needs, West Kelowna must add several thousand homes to its housing supply in the coming decades. Infill housing, which is typically ground-oriented and intended to fit within existing neighbourhoods without significantly changing their character or appearance, is one way to create housing options. The strategy recommends actions to advance infill that fits within the West Kelowna context, and facilitate and monitor long-term success. Please, view the strategy on the City’s website.
West Kelowna Recreation and Culture gives fall and winter programs and events update
West Kelowna Recreation and Culture staff highlighted upcoming popular programs this fall including the community's Light Up event on Dec. 6, from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. on Brown Road from Gossett Road to Main Street, with a fireworks show at 7:45 p.m. To learn more, about upcoming events, please read the staff report or see the Fall Rec Guide at The new Winter Rec Guide will be released Nov. 22 and will include the popular holiday skating schedule for the arenas.
Staff directed to proceed with grant application for design of McDougall Creek flood mitigation
Council approved staff’s application to the provincial Disaster Risk Reduction – Climate Adaptation Program seeking funding to design flood mitigation measures along McDougall Creek in the Pike/Capri area. The grant would provide up to $150,000 towards the design, which would represent approximately half the costs, with the remainder to come from City reserves, subject to Council’s upcoming 2025 Budget deliberations.
Operations Centre update provided
The City of West Kelowna’s first, purpose-built Operations Centre – with an Administration Building, Workshops, and Mechanics Shop – will centralize essential services and ensure year-round operations of critical, community infrastructure. It is anticipated to be completed this winter with 80 Public Works staff expected to start moving in, in the first quarter of 2025. The Operations Centre Project has incurred additional, required costs of $685,000 on an original budget of $9.805 million, with funding to come from the BC Growing Communities Fund, with no new taxes required for the original project or the extra expenditures. To learn more, please read the Nov. 12 Staff Report.Contact Us