Regular Meeting
Tuesday, Mar. 14, 2023
Report on Local Government Leadership Academy seminar
Councillor Tasha Da Silva and Councillor Carol Zanon attended the Local Government Leadership Academy (LGLA) for elected officials, which was held at the Delta Hotel in Kelowna from March 1 - 3, 2023. The LGLA supports and promotes education and training for local governments and First Nations elected officials and senior administrators throughout the province. Read the full report at
BDO Canada LLP presents to Council
Council received a report and presentation from BDO Canada LLP to gain insight into the audit planning process for the year. Watch the recorded webcast for more information.
Draft code of conduct brought forward for input
Council received a draft code of conduct that is required under the Community Charter. Council directed staff to amend Council’s current 2012 Code of Ethics Policy to meet the new provincial requirements for a new code of conduct and bring it back to Council for consideration.
Draft five-year financial plan advances towards scheduled spring adoption
Council received a summary of the community’s feedback during a public engagement process from Feb. 7, 2023 to Feb. 16, 2023, and gave second and third readings to the 2023 to 2027 Financial Plan Bylaw. The Bylaw includes the Draft 2023 Budget, which proposes a tax rate of 5.0 per cent, including 1.7 per cent to cover police services cost increases and 1.0 per cent allocated to critical infrastructure. Visit to read the Draft 2023 Budget and Draft 2023 Budget Consultation Summary Report.
New utility rates presented to reflect sewer, waste collection and water costs
Council gave first, second and third reading for the following utility rate amendments for 2023:
- An $17.70-per-quarter increase in Rose Valley water rates to cover anticipated capital and increased operating costs.
- An $15.15-per-quarter increase in Powers Creek water rates to fund short-term debt to replace aging infrastructure and to cover increased operating costs at the treatment plant.
- A $5.73-per-quarter increase in sewer rates, to build reserves and to fund debt for future infrastructure upgrades, half of this increase is projected costs from the Regional District of Central Okanagan who operates the wastewater treatment plant and series of lift stations and collector systems.
- A $2.00-per-year reduction in waste management services fees, as a result of the internal cart purchase load being fully repaid.
Council adopts zoning amendments for 12-unit townhomes complex in Westbank Centre
Following a Public Hearing, Council adopted Zoning Bylaw Amendment for 3746A Wetton Road and issuance of a development permit for a 12-unit townhouse complex, including the approval of five variances related to the development. The variances include 0.6 metres siting exemption to accommodate balcony length, maximum height for the building increased from 10 metres to a maximum of 13.7 metres, frontage setback reduced from 4.5 metres to 2.9 metres and parking setback variance to accommodate a screened parking area.
Council defers Bill 26 streamlining of certain development applications
Council deferred adoption of the Development Applications Procedures Amendment Bylaw until further feedback is gathered by staff and brought forward at a future Council meeting.
Council supports Regional Emergency Mutual Aid Agreement for firefighting
Council authorized the execution of the Emergency Mutual Aid Agreement that provides assurances of support for other major fire events. The renewal of the agreements allows continued support and cooperation among the fire departments in the Central Okanagan region.
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