Council Meeting
June 9, 2020
Mayor and Council return to City Hall for regular meetings
Mayor Gord Milsom and CAO Paul Gipps welcomed Council back to Chambers for the first time in two-and-a-half months. The City moved meetings to Westbank Lions Community Centre March 24 in response to COVID-19 and held subsequent meetings via video conferencing. With BC now returning to the new normal under the provincial government’s Restart Plan, staff modified Chambers to permit social distancing between Mayor and Councilors starting with the June 9 Regular Council Meeting. The City broadcasts the meetings live for the public on its website and posts the video archives the next day at Residents are encouraged to remain connected through the live broadcasts, email or written submissions during space limitations for public in-person attendance.
Council supports temporary expanded service area to help local establishments
Council endorsed a provincial government initiative allowing blanket pre-approvals for liquor primary and manufacturing establishments seeking to expand their outdoor service areas through October 31, 2020. The BC Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) is expediting its permit process to help food primary, liquor primary and manufacturing licensees in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Council has asked staff to report on the number of local establishments that seek the LCRB’s temporary expansion permit.
Audited 2019 Financial Statements presented to Council
Council received the 2019 Audited Financial Statements which can be viewed on the city’s website at
Council adopts re-opening policy for city facilities
Council approved the City of West Kelowna’s plans for the gradual re-opening of municipal recreational facilities in keeping with provincial health guidelines to prevent a second wave of COVID-19. The Parks and Recreation Facilities Opening Policy ensures facility openings follow the two primary provincial health orders – social distancing of two metres and gathering size limits. The BC Recreation and Parks Association has provided municipalities with approved provincial health procedures to assist in scheduling re-openings gradually over the next several weeks. For the current re-opening status of City of West Kelowna rec programs and facilities, please visit
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