Regular Meeting
Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2025
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Council meetings are livestreamed at and archived within one business day. To view the Jan. 14 webcast archive, please visit
Council appoints new members to the Advisory Planning Commission
Council congratulated the new appointees who will serve on the Advisory Planning Commission (APC) for the next three years through terms that end on Dec. 31, 2027:
- Tina Bisson
- Jeff Bjorgan
- Terri Lam
- Kimberly Roger
- Jenelle Salanguit
- Michael Warkotsch
- Lisa Wilson
Long-term borrowing approved for City Hall Project
Council approved the Municipal Security Issuing Resolution for $11 million which is part of the final step in borrowing for City Hall construction. This resolution, along with the Loan Authorization Bylaw and supporting documents from 2020, will be forwarded to the Regional District of Central Okanagan to be included with their Security Issuing Bylaw. Once passed and approved by the Government of B.C., the short-term borrowing, used during construction will be converted to a 25-year loan through the B.C. Municipal Finance Authority. The loan will be repaid using the existing $700,000 in annual contributions to the City Hall Reserve Fund, with no additional tax increases, as Council directed.
2025 grants in aid approved
Council supported cash grants in aid of $116,558 to assist non-profit organizations that provide services within our community, maintaining the commitments provided in 2024. Council also endorsed $36,797 for in-kind grants in aid, equal to amounts in 2024, which waive or reduce facility rental fees for community service groups. These grants are given in addition to the ice rink, facility and field rental discounts that children and youth sports organizations receive.
New Zoning Bylaw adoption deferred
Council required more information on changes proposed in new Zoning Bylaw 0320 and deferred adoption. If adopted, the new Zoning Bylaw would incorporate recommendations in the Official Community Plan and Housing Strategy and consider means to facilitate the City’s rapidly growing population and housing objectives. To learn more, view the bylaw or visit the Zoning Bylaw webpage.
Zoning bylaw amendment for Lakeview Village property deferred
The first three readings of a proposed Zoning Bylaw amendment for 911 Anders Road were also deferred as they would be contingent on new Zoning Bylaw 0320 being adopted. The proposal would be to rezone the property from Single Detached and Duplex Residential to the new Neighbourhood Centre Zone to facilitate a six-story building with 43, one-to-three-bedroom units and ground floor commercial space.
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