Regular Meeting
Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2025
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Shannon Lake Neighbourhood Association requests community and daycare facility
Council heard a presentation from Tom Groat, president of the Shannon Lake Neighbourhood Association, regarding their request to build a community centre and daycare facility at Shannon Woods Park. To view the presentation, please go to the Jan. 28 webcast archive.
Council receives update on the Fire Hall #32 Replacement Project
Staff is committed to delivering quarterly updates to Council and the community on the Fire Hall #32 Replacement Project, which will provide more than 17,000 square feet for fire services, a larger new community centre space, improved amenities and public and fire hall parking. To read the latest quarterly update, the third since the project began in May 2024, please go to the Jan. 28 agenda.
Green Bay dredging project receives required homeowner support prior to next steps
Property owners of Green Bay have supported the creation of a Local Area Service to undertake and fund a two-phase approach to improve the neighbourhood’s channel for safe boat access. Phase 1 evaluated the environmental, financial and construction considerations and Phase 2 will involve the engineering, environmental and dredging components. Council has received the required Certificate of Sufficiency from the petitioned neighbourhood and has given first, second and third readings to the respective local area service and loan authorization bylaws, which will be scheduled for adoption at a future meeting. To learn more, please read staff’s report to Council.
Council receives fourth quarter update
Staff provided updates on City operations and progress made in advancing Council’s Strategic Priorities during the fourth quarter of 2024, ending Dec. 31. Read the reports in the Jan. 28 agenda.
Accessibility and Inclusion Plan adoption postponed
Council asked staff to amend the proposed Accessibility and Inclusion Plan prior to consideration of adoption at a future meeting. Council would like to see the 28 recommended key actions revised and prioritized based on removing barriers to accessibility, as defined by the province. Council also directed staff to prepare a resolution for the Southern Interior Local Government Association to advocate for the Government of B.C. providing funding to help municipalities implement provincially mandated accessibility plans.
Transportation Master Plan Update Phase 3 and Transit Survey engagement to begin
With the draft Transportation Master Plan Update nearing completion and Council seeking public input on proposed future transit service improvements, staff will begin public engagement on Feb. 3 at, including a community open house on Thursday, Feb. 6 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at 3731 Old Okanagan Highway. The engagement, which will wrap up on Feb. 17, will be used to confirm Transportation Master Plan Update key goals and actions identified through the first two rounds of Council, public and stakeholder input into a future, unified, connected multimodal network, prior to presenting the final draft plan to Council for consideration of adoption at a future meeting. Feedback from the transit survey, which will be used to help guide future service improvements, will also be presented to Council for consideration and direction at a future meeting.
Operations Centre update provided
Staff is committed to providing quarterly updates to Council and our community on the construction of the city’s first purpose-built Operations Centre to provide centralized, efficient operations for more than 80 parks, public works, and utilities crews, who are responsible for maintaining and operating critical City infrastructure, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Currently, these work groups are spread out across various locations, which is operationally inefficient. The move-in date for staff is currently being planned for the spring, after the paving work has been completed. To learn more, please read staff’s report to Council and the view the photo page.
Council supports Intact Municipal Climate Resiliency Grant application
Council agreed to provide a letter of support to the University of British Columbia - Okanagan for their application to the Intact Municipal Climate Resiliency grant program to examine wildfire coexistence and pursue specific solutions to help communities predict, plan for and prevent destructive wildfires. Please read staff’s report to Council for more details.
Emergency Support Services Equipment and Training Grant application supported
Council supported the Regional District of Central Okanagan applying for, receiving, and managing the 2025 UBCM Community Emergency Preparedness Fund grant, under the Emergency Support Services Equipment and Training stream on behalf of the City of West Kelowna and municipal regional partners in the Central Okanagan Emergency Program. To learn more, please see staff’s report to Council.
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