Special Council Meetings
May 14, 2019
West Kelowna Council took part in two special meetings on May 13, 2019. The first was a joint meeting with School District 23 Board Trustees to discuss issues of mutual concern including safe transportation and pedestrian infrastructure near schools. The second was Council’s annual meeting with Neighbourhood Associations. Council heard presentations from the following associations:
- Casa Loma Community Association
- Lakeview Heights Community Association
- Gellatly Bay Trails and Parks Society
- Green Bay Property Owners Association
- Greater Westside Board of Trade
- Glenrosa Neighbourhood Association
The public can view webcasts of all open council meetings, including these special meetings, at www.westkelownacity.ca/webcasts.
Regular Council Meeting
May 14, 2019
Blackmun Bay
Council gave second reading to Official Community Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment bylaws related to the Blackmun Bay Development in the Casa Loma Neighbourhood. The proposed development on Campbell Road involves a 7.1 hectare property and includes a mixed-use development with smaller commercial uses, various housing types and vacation rentals including resort apartments, townhouses and a hotel and marina and boat launch. The application will be scheduled for a public hearing once technical reports are completed related to sewer and water service and geotechnical analysis.
2019 Citizens’ Survey
Council agreed to conduct this year’s annual citizens’ survey online as well as via the mail. In a move intended to encourage more participation from a greater variety of residents, the City will conduct two, parallel citizens’ surveys. One will be conducted as it has in the past, with 1,000 copies of the survey mailed to randomly-selection properties in West Kelowna. This is a statistically-accurate survey that has been conducted for the past 11 years. The survey has seen a decline in respondents in the past two years, with a larger-than-proportional number of respondents over the age of 55. This year, Council agreed to offer the same survey online in an effort to increase the number or respondents. Results from both surveys will be provided and compared to establish confidence in an online survey, which may not be statistically accurate but, depending on the number of responses, may be statistically significant. The surveys will be conducted in June 2019.
Strategic Priorities – First Quarter Update
Council was provided an update on activities taken between January and March 2019 to meet Council’s Strategic Priorities. Council’s 2019 priority categories are Community Safety, Community Visioning and Involvement, Economic Growth, Relationships and Health, Homelessness and Housing. Projects and initiatives are applied in each category and provided start and end date. Council is provided quarterly updates on status of these projects.
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