Regular Meeting
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Watch Council meetings live or view the webcast archive
Council meetings are livestreamed at, and archived the next business day. Find the June 25 agenda and archive at
Council invites community to summer celebrations
Council invited residents and visitors to upcoming summer events, including: the first Music in the Park concert of the season on Friday, June 28 from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. at Memorial Park; the City/Hall Library Building official opening on Saturday, June 29 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 3731 Old Okanagan Highway; Westside Multiculturalism Day, hosted by the Westbank Museum, on Saturday, June 29, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Memorial Park. Plus, the Westside Celebration Society hosts Canada Day festivities on Monday, July 1 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Memorial Park and Westside Daze on July 12, 13 and 14.
Council invites input into Infill Housing Strategy
Council invited our community to share their thoughts to help inform West Kelowna’s Infill Housing Strategy and participate in our survey until July 15. The engagement aims to gather input from residents to understand what our community hopes infill housing will achieve in West Kelowna; ways to successfully integrate infill housing in neighbourhoods; what types of infill housing residents hope to see in different areas of the city; considerations for infill housing form and character; and how to overcome barriers to infill housing development. Input will help the City develop policy to support diverse housing options that meet the needs of all residents. Visit to take part.
Council receives 2023 Annual Report
Council received the 2023 Annual Report, which provides information on the achievements of each department for the previous full operating year, as well as Council’s Strategic Priorities, the Audited Financial Statements, and financial and non-financial statistics for the past five years. View the annual report at
Council approves annual Transit Operating Agreement
Council approved the City of West Kelowna’s Annual Operating Agreement with B.C. Transit to provide ongoing services as part of the Kelowna Regional Transit System for 2024-2025. For more information, read the June 25 Report to Council.
Council receives 2023 Statement of Financial Information
Council accepted the 2023 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI), which lists the annual remuneration and expenses of Council and of all City of West Kelowna employees whose total annual remuneration exceeded $75,000. The SOFI report also lists the City’s annual payments to suppliers. The report is provided annually by June 30. To learn more go to
Recreation and Culture provides look ahead at summer 2024 events
Council received a report and presentation from West Kelowna Recreation and Culture staff on successful events held this spring and community programs and events scheduled for this summer. Upcoming events include the free Music in the Park summer concert series, Westside Multiculturalism Day, Canada Day, Westside Daze, Park Play Days and more. Read the full staff report to Council and watch the presentation at To learn more about summer recreational programs and camps and to register, go to
Council renews agreement for joint use of Mar Jok Elementary School
Council approved the City of West Kelowna entering into a new Joint Use Agreement, through the end of the 2026/27 year, with School District No. 23 for program space in Mar Jok Elementary School. When the school was constructed 10 years ago, it included purpose-built space, which the City has since used under joint use agreements for various programs such as the popular Dragon’s Den.
Special Meeting
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Presentation given on BC Transit services
Council received a presentation from City staff and BC Transit to help inform their annual service review as a partner in the Kelowna Regional Transit System. The presentation included potential service improvements being contemplated over the next three years. To learn more, view the presentation via the webcast archive.
Committee of the Whole
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Council receives presentations from neighbourhood associations
Council invited neighbourhood associations and community stakeholders to give presentations providing updates on their current initiatives. Presenters included representatives from: Interior Health; Greater Westside Board of Trade; United Way; Casa Loma, Gellatly Bay/Goats Peak and Lakeview Heights Community Associations; Glenrosa Residents Association; Green Bay Property Owners Association; and Shannon Lake Neighbourhood Association. View their presentations via the webcast archive on the City’s website.
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