Wednesday, May 29, 2024
More than 15,200 West Kelowna property tax notices are in the mail this week, while approximately 1,800 who are registered for e-billing have received their notices by email.
To register for e-billing, please visit
We encourage property owners to pay all property taxes to the City, and claim Home Owner Grants through the Province of B.C., by 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, to avoid the statutory 10 per cent late penalty. On July 3, the City must charge the penalty to all late taxes, tax balances owing, and any unclaimed grant amounts through the province before the deadline.
City staff are unable to reverse this penalty.
Know before you go
The City of West Kelowna’s first purpose-built City Hall is now open to serve the public with administration functions from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except statutory holidays. The new City Hall is located at 3731 Old Okanagan Hwy.
Please do not go to pay at the former City Hall at Mount Boucherie Community Centre as all front-counter services are now open at the new building at 3731 Old Okanagan Hwy. This includes property tax and utility payments, business licensing, planning, building, development and engineering services, bylaw services, municipal fee payments and dog licensing.
Parking may be temporarily limited at times, with crews completing interior and exterior finishing work, and we apologize for any temporary inconvenience.
Please note, currently, there is no afterhours drop box at which to leave in-person payments.
Claim the Home Owner Grant through the Province of B.C.
Regardless of whether you pay taxes in-person, through your bank, via a mortgage company, or through a City prepayment plan, you must still separately claim your Home Owner Grant through the province before the deadline. To claim the Home Owner Grant:
- Visit or call 1-888-355-2700.
- Once you complete the application process, record the confirmation number; the Province will provide confirmation to us so you do not need to follow up with City staff.
Several tax payment options are available
- We recommend paying online through your bank, and please note that Monday, July 1, 2024 is the Canada Day statutory holiday, which may delay us receiving your payment.
- Select WEST KELOWNA – TAXES as the payee.
- Use your roll number starting with 364 as the account number, with no dashes, spaces, or periods.
- Record your transaction confirmation, which must have a date of July 2, 2024 or earlier.
- You may pay by cheque or in person, at the new City Hall, at 3731 Old Okanagan Hwy., West Kelowna B.C. V4T 0G7.
- Make payable to City of West Kelowna, record your roll number in the memo line, and include the remittance stub with your cheque.
- We accept cheques and debit in person.
- Ensure your debit limit is sufficient to cover your balance owing.
- We can also accept cash, if paying in person.
- If paying in person, please remember:
- We are closed Canada Day, Monday, July 1.
- Expect lines and wait times, and dress for the weather.
- We do not accept credit cards, but we do accept cheques from credit card companies.
- Inquire with companies like Plasitq and PaySimply to pay by credit card for a fee.
If you are enrolled in our Pre-Authorized Payment Plan, visit and log in to check your balance to ensure you have no amounts owing on your account for 2024 taxes.
Connect with us
We are here to help.
This time of year, our phone lines are extremely busy and we recommend emailing us at Include your property address or roll number in the email.
Business hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. excluding statutory holidays such as Canada Day, Monday, July 1, when our offices will be closed.
About property taxes
Council adopted the 2024 Budget and Five-Year Financial Plan, which included a tax rate increase of 6.85 per cent for 2024 for municipal taxes. To learn more, visit
Any variations to the 6.85 per cent increase may be attributable to your B.C. Assessment. To learn more about how assessments can affect property taxes, please visit
The value for taxes is directly attributed to the delivery of programs, services, and other Council Strategic Priorities, based on ongoing community input. The 2024 Budget and Five-Year Financial Plan deliver priorities, programs and services that maintain a high quality of life in West Kelowna. The City is continually challenged to maintain existing service levels while addressing the demand for new and affordable priorities, programs and services that come with rapid growth.
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