Council meetings are open to the public but in order to speak on a subject you must apply to appear as a delegation.
If you would rather not speak before an open meeting of Council you are welcome to provide written comments by email or mail to: Mayor and Council, 3731 Old Okanagan Highway, West Kelowna, BC, V4T 0G7, West Kelowna BC, V1Z 2T6
Please note: Public Hearings follow different speaking procedures, see below, and delegation requests concerning a bylaw where a Public Hearing has been held will not be permitted.
Submit Your Request |
Complete our online request form A delegation request must be received before 10 a.m., 7 days prior to the Council Meeting in order to be placed as a new matter on the agenda. The number of delegations on any agenda will be limited to four. A delegation request pertaining to an item already on the agenda will be accepted up to 9:30 a.m. on the scheduled Council Meeting day. All delegations will be given five minutes and must be restricted to the topic indicated in the online request form. If you are on the Agenda to appear as a delegation at a Council meeting, please advise the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting that you are in attendance, and you will be called upon when it is time to make your presentation to Council. |
Subsequent Requests |
If a delegation has addressed Council on an issue and is requesting to appear again, the City Clerk has the authority to deny the request if no new, significant information is being provided. Instead, the City Clerk will circulate the request under separate cover as an item of general information. |
Public Hearings |
The Local Government Act provides opportunity for property owners to change the OCP or zoning designations on their properties by applying for an amendment through the local governing municipality. Public Hearings are held to provide a forum for public comment on such proposed amendments. The City of West Kelowna schedules Public Hearings after the 1st and 2nd readings of the proposed amendment bylaw have been given, and Council has authorized proceeding to Public Hearing. The City of West Kelowna, in accordance with the Local Government Act, notifies the public of upcoming Public Hearings by:
Written submission in advance of the Public Hearing can be made by:
Note: Correspondence received prior to 1st and 2nd readings of the bylaw amendment and authorized to proceed to public hearing does not form part of the public hearing record, but is retained within the application file. Please re-submit your comments if necessary. At the Public Hearing, the Mayor will call for speakers who must provide their name and address for the record. After all speakers have been heard, the Mayor will call three times for speakers to come forward. If there are none, the hearing will close. After a Public Hearing, Council cannot accept any new information on the matter presented. |
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