Our interactive maps include WestMap and Westbank Cemetery Map, featuring city-published data layers and tools. With WestMap users can:
• Access: comprehensive property and assessment information; zoning, OCP and Development Permit Areas; city infrastructure details; as-built plans; topography; and aerial images.
• Use custom parcel search tools or perform a global search to locate particular features.
• Create custom maps to print or share.
• Generate property reports.
Reference maps provide a quick view of service areas and amenities in the City of West Kelowna including:
• Facilities
• Fire service areas
• Glenrosa evacuation routes
• Neighbourhood map
• Snow clearing priorities
• Water service areas
Most GIS data is provided for download through .zip files and offers vector data (points, lines and polygons) in ESRI shapefile format and raster data (imagery) in compressed JPEG file interchange format.
Our interactive web maps feature city-published data layers and tools.
With WestMap users can:
• Access: comprehensive property and assessment information; zoning, OCP and Development Permit Areas; city infrastructure details; as-built plans; topography; and aerial images.
• Use custom parcel search tools or perform a global search to locate particular features.
• Create custom maps to print or share.
• Generate property reports.
Development Services has implemented CityView Portal to improve customer service to the general public, as well as applicants and agents, by providing greater access to more information regarding development applications.
PDF maps provide a quick view of service areas and amenities in the City of West Kelowna including:
• Facilities
• Fire service areas
• Glenrosa evacuation routes
• Neighbourhood map
Most GIS data is provided for download through .zip files and offers vector data (points, lines and polygons) in ESRI shapefile format and raster data (imagery) in compressed JPEG file interchange format.