
#OurWK takes a deeper dive on key topics
Posted on Tuesday, July 07, 2020 11:00 AM
July 07, 2020
In mid-June, the City of West Kelowna launched a Community Visioning process – #OURWK – to help shape the future of our community. Participants have already provided many great insights and now the City is looking to dig a bit deeper into some of the topics that will be part of the Community Vision.
“The initial #OURWK questionnaire has seen a great response to date and we are hoping for many more responses in the days ahead,” says Mayor Gord Milsom. “We have now...
West Kelowna Estates System Boil Water Notice downgraded to Water Quality Advisory
Posted on Friday, July 03, 2020 12:45 PM
July 03, 2020
The City of West Kelowna, in consultation with Interior Health, has downgraded the Boil Water Notice for the West Kelowna Estates System to a Water Quality Advisory due to improving conditions at the Okanagan Lake intake.
Although conditions have improved, a Water Quality Advisory will remain in effect until further notice for the West Kelowna Estates System because turbidity remains higher than normal due to spring freshet and related conditions in the lake. Turbidity...
City removing diseased trees at Willow Beach
Posted on Monday, June 29, 2020 12:00 PM
June 29, 2020
On Tuesday, June 30, the City of West Kelowna will remove two aging and diseased trees at Willow Beach.
Crews must close sections of Willow Beach for the day to accommodate the safe removal of the trees.
“Assessments of the willow trees last year and again this spring have determined they are progressively deteriorating and deemed a risk to public safety,” said Stacey Harding, Parks and Fleet Operations Manager. “We are disappointed to see them go. However, we plan...
Boil Water Notice issued for West Kelowna Estates System
Posted on Friday, June 26, 2020 11:45 AM
June 26, 2020
Due to the increased Okanagan Lake elevation and the potential risk of contamination to the treated water supply, the City of West Kelowna, in consultation with Interior Health, is taking precautionary measures and issuing a Boil Water Notice for the West Kelowna Estates System.
This notice is an escalation from the Water Quality Advisory issued May 9, which City staff enacted, in consultation with health officials, due to elevated turbidity levels in the lake.
Sunnyside/Pritchard System Boil Water Notice downgraded to Water Quality Advisory
Posted on Thursday, June 25, 2020 01:00 PM
The City of West Kelowna, in consultation with Interior Health, has downgraded the Boil Water Notice for the Sunnyside/Pritchard System to a Water Quality Advisory due to decreasing turbidity in Okanagan Lake.
Although turbidity is decreasing, it remains higher than normal due to spring freshet and related conditions in the lake. Turbidity affects the performance of the chlorine disinfection process because bacteria, viruses and microorganisms can attach themselves to suspended particles in the turbid...
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