Despicable Theft at Westbank Cemetery
Posted on Monday, September 23, 2019 10:15 AM
September 23, 2019
In the late evening of Saturday, September 14, bronze markers on 53 cemetery plots in the Westbank Cemetery were stolen. The thieves had cut the lock on the cemetery gate to gain access.
The City was notified by the West Kelowna RCMP of the theft on Monday, September 16 as part of its active investigation in to this depraved act.
Understanding the significant emotional impact this theft may have on loved ones, City staff began contacting impacted families immediately...
Popular West Kelowna Beach Closed for Repairs
Posted on Tuesday, September 10, 2019 01:30 PM
September 10, 2019
The City of West Kelowna will close Rotary Park, including the beach and parking lot areas, starting Wednesday, September 11 in order to complete much-needed restoration and flood mitigation work.
Historic Okanagan Lake flooding in 2017 and high water levels in 2018 caused damage to riprap, retaining walls and staircases along the shoreline.
The City of West Kelowna will reinstall displaced riprap, remove failed retaining walls and replace them with naturalized...
Shape the Future of Recreation in West Kelowna
Posted on Friday, September 06, 2019 01:45 PM
What recreational facilities and programs would you like to see added or improved on the Westside?
The City is looking for input from its residents in West Kelowna and our neighbours in Westbank First Nation and the District of Peachland, especially those who use our facilities and programs, to determine future recreational needs.
Residents can participate in several ways, including attending sessions at the recreational facilities they use:
- Complete our...
Calling Adult Rec Hockey Players - Local League Needs Teams
Posted on Friday, August 30, 2019 01:45 PM
August 30, 2019
Get the gang together and sign up to compete with teams from around the Central Okanagan in Pacific Adult Hockey League action this season.
Twenty-five, 75 minute regular season games are scheduled Sundays and Mondays throughout the season with two guaranteed playoff games in best, two out of three series. All players must be 19 years or older. No games take place on the Sundays of Thanksgiving and Super Bowl weekends
The league also provides warm-up music at every...
Rotary Keeps Sports Dreams Alive For Westside Kids
Posted on Friday, August 30, 2019 12:00 PM
August 30, 2019
A $5,000 donation from the West Kelowna Daybreak Rotary has arrived just in time for the West Kelowna KidSport Chapter.
Autumn is a busy season for applications to the non-profit organization that provides subsidies to families who need assistance enrolling their children in sports. West Kelowna KidSport helps residents living in the City of West Kelowna, District of Peachland, Westbank First Nation and the surrounding rural areas on the Westside.
At the end of the...
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