
Bear-in-Area Alert for City of West Kelowna - Rose Valley and Mt. Boucherie trail systems
Posted on Friday, May 01, 2020 12:00 PM
Information Bulletin: From WildSafeBC Okanagan Westside
Updated 3:40 p.m. to include Rose Valley Trails; originally posted 2:50 p.m. regarding Mt. Boucherie Trails.May 01, 2020
Please be advised of a bear-in-area notice for both the City of West Kelowna’s Mt. Boucherie and Rose Valley trail systems. A black bear sow and cub(s) is known to be on or around the trails in both these areas and was most recently sighted Friday afternoon, May 01.
To avoid bear encounters:
- • Make noise
- • Travel in groups
- •...
New Gellatly Bridge Opens On Schedule
Posted on Friday, May 01, 2020 09:00 AM
May 01, 2020
The first cars crossed the new Gellatly Bridge over Powers Creek as the modernized infrastructure opened to the public on time and within budget.
Bridge replacement construction began in January, and despite minor service changes during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the project finished on schedule and incurred no cost overruns. Along with the opening of the bridge, Rotary Trails Park and parking lot, which crews used for a construction staging area, have also...
City of West Kelowna pauses tree delivery until further notice for the Urban Re-Leaf Program
Posted on Tuesday, March 31, 2020 02:30 PM
March 31, 2020
Interior Health has advised Mayor Gord Milsom that a group of foreign workers at Bylands Nurseries Ltd. are quarantined and under investigation for COVID-19. Bylands is currently closed to customers and Interior Health is confident that the risk of exposure to the general public is low.
However, the City is taking all precautionary measures and is pausing the tree delivery for those who purchased trees as part of the Urban Re-Leaf Program.
If you purchased a tree,...
Urban Re-Leaf Program adjusted to adhere to social distancing recommendations
Posted on Monday, March 30, 2020 02:00 PM
March 30, 2020
In keeping with social distancing guidelines and gathering size limits, the City of West Kelowna will deliver trees to those that made purchases during the inaugural Urban Re-leaf Program.
The inaugural program was a big success with all 150 trees selling in just a few weeks.
The initial plan was for residents to pick up their trees from the City on April 4, but with new health authority guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19, staff will now deliver the trees...
COVID-19 Week In Review - What’s changed in West Kelowna
Posted on Friday, March 27, 2020 03:45 PM
March 27, 2020
West Kelowna staff have made adjustments to our processes as we continue to serve the public during COVID-19! Council and staff express sincere gratitude to the public for working in partnership with us as we adapt, remain calm, and be kind to one another while we all prevent the spread of COVID-19. The changes implemented at the City of West Kelowna this week (March 23 – 27, 2020) remain in effect until further notice.
General Administration
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