
Community Light Up becomes self-guided Twinkle Tour in West Kelowna
Posted on Monday, November 30, 2020 11:00 AM
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMonday, November 30, 2020 Starting Friday, Dec. 4 and for the duration of the holidays, residents can stay within their bubble and take a self-guided tour to the many light displays throughout the Westside, with each location identified on the City’s interactive online map available at “West Kelowna’s Light Up will look different this holiday season,” said Kevin Bourchier, Recreation Supervisor. “Although the annual event on Brown Road...

Firefighters’ 23rd Annual Food Drive continues making safe changes for COVID-19
Posted on Monday, November 30, 2020 07:00 AM
Monday November 30, 2020
West Kelowna Fire Rescue is pleased to support local food banks in 2020 by modifying its 23rd Annual Holiday Food Drive in keeping with provincial health guidelines regarding COVID-19. Instead of the usual door-to-door collection, West Kelowna Fire Stations will serve as convenient drop off sites for residents to leave their non-perishable food donations from Dec. 1 through Dec 15.
“Our fire stations are strategically located across the Westside...
Covid-19 Caring for our Community
Posted on Monday, November 23, 2020 02:15 PM
Update: Monday, Dec. 8, 2020
For the latest information, please visit our COVID-19 webpage at www.westkelownacityca/COVID-19
Monday, Nov. 23, 2020
West Kelowna Council stands beside staff and the community in thanking everyone for adhering to the important health protocols and doing our part to keep each other safe from COVID-19.
By staying home if you are sick, wearing masks, keeping socially distanced and limiting gathering sizes, you are keeping seniors and our...
JBMAC Phase 2 reopening and online registration
Posted on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 11:15 AM
The Johnson Bentley Memorial Aquatic Centre (JBMAC) is reopening with limited aquatic programming starting September 14 and registration begins this week.
Changes to registering for programs and drop-in are in effect. You can check out all the great options available at JBMAC in the City of West Kelowna’s Fall Recreation Guide that is available online at
Key Fall Registration Dates:
- Mon. August 17 at 8 a.m. - Fitness and general programming at JBMAC
- Wed. August 19 at 8 a...
Rotary Trail temporary parking lot closure
Posted on Thursday, August 13, 2020 11:00 AM
Beginning Monday, August 17 Rotary Trail Park parking lot will be temporarily closed to accommodate the construction staging area for in-stream works as part of the Gellatly Road Bridge replacement over Powers Creek. Access to Rotary Trail will remain open.
Schedule for construction is from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. with work continuing over the weekend. Remaining works include the final installation of channel rip rap and embankment protection and is expected to be completed Wednesday, August 26, to avoid...
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